Our beloved month of Ramadan is nearing us and now is a great time to start planning for it. It is the most sacred month for Muslims all around the world, and we should strive to make the most out of it.
It’s not a guaranteed fact that we all make it to Ramadan, however keeping the intention and planning for a beautiful month full of worship, is one of the things that Allah loves and you’re sure to be rewarded for your efforts.
To make your preparation a little easier, I assembled a few tips and suggestions below that will help you (as well as myself) go into the month of Ramadan physically, mentally and spiritually ready iA!
Plan your Ramadan with realistic goals
They say “failing to plan, is planning to fail,” and it’s just as relevant for Ramadan.
To make the most of the month, do take your time to self analyze and jot down the things you want to achieve during the holy month. You can create a checklist of daily activities which you aim to perform every single day or larger goals you want to complete within the entire month.
Whatever you plan, make it relevant and realistic to you. Don’t compare yourself with those who can perform better, just make sure you are giving your best!
Bonus Tip: The actions you choose to consistently work on everyday, start doing a couple of them before Ramadan and attempt to make them a life-long habit.
Clear your schedule by finishing off tasks
Any major shopping you would require to do, whether it’s to stock up your pantries or Eid clothes shopping, it’s a good idea to finish them off before the holy month begins.
Not just that, but also tasks like cleaning and organizing or anything which takes up a lot of time, try completing them early so that you can have more time later, devoted to Allah.
Prepare meals in advance for Iftar and Suhoor
This tip is connected to my previous one, preparing and storing food in advance will enable you to have more time for the worship of Allah.
Every family is different and the kinds of food eaten for Suhoor and Iftar may vary, the typical meal prep may not be practical for everyone. However, certain food items or fillings can be made and frozen until the time you want to use or consume them.
Food that can be made ahead: Falafels, Samosas, Pizza, Rice and Veggies, Kabab patties, Enchiladas, Meatballs, Baked Pasta, Lasagna, Waffles, Stuffed buns and so much more.
All these can be assembled and frozen a month or two before Ramadan. They need to be covered properly with cling, an airtight container or a freezer bag. Some require a full day to thaw and others can be fried or baked swiftly.
Get closer to Allah by gaining and reflecting on Islamic knowledge
Throughout the year, we often get so distracted by life that we forget our true purpose is to please our lord.
It’s better for us to attain closeness to Allah, by increasing our knowledge about him, our religion and the Prophets. Don’t miss out on revising things that you already know as well.
Some activities you can engage in; recite and reflect on the Quran, memorize small surahs, read the hadiths and it’s interpretation by scholars, listen to Islamic podcasts and lectures. These acts truly help us get closer to Allah and love Islam more!
Increase your remembrance of Allah
Dhikr or remembrance of Allah is what we should devote most of our time doing during the holy month.
Giving yourself a kickstart by making more dhikr before it starts, will help motivate us further to make the best out of Ramadan when we get there iA.
How you can increase rememberance of Allah:
- Keep Voluntary Fasts: Voluntary fasts can help detoxify your body and keep you spiritually fresh. Finish up any previously missed fasts. Mondays and Thursdays, or the 13th, 14th and 15th of an Islamic month is often recommended for fasting.
- Ask for Repentence: We all make sins, but the best of sinners are the ones who repent. Take your time to ask forgiveness from Allah, the most merciful.
- Give Charity: There are countless blessings of giving sadaqah or charity. The reward you get for your akhirah (hereafter) is far greater than the money that you may have given away. If you don’t have money to give, know that ‘Every act of kindness is charity.’
- Perform additional prayers: Apart from the five essential daily prayers, you can attempt to perform voluntary, Nafl prayers. It’s also the perfect time to work on inculcating the habit of performing all sunnahs, if you don’t already.
- Read Quran and Tasbeeh: Reading Quran and reciting Tasbeeh or the terms that glorify Allah (swt) such as ‘SubhanAllah’, ‘Alhamdulillah’ ‘AllahuAkbar’ and ‘La Ilaha Ilallah’ repeatedly is encouraged and helps bring us closer to our creator.
I hope you found this post helpful, and may we all reach the beautiful month of Ramadan in the best of health and Faith (Imaan). And may we all have a prosperous one full of rewards and blessings. Ameen!
Free template below that you could use and share on your stories to inspire others to start preparing for Ramadan along with you.
![Ramadan Checklist](https://i0.wp.com/strawberryinthedesert.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Peach-and-White-Delicate-New-Years-Resolution-List-Instagram-Story-2-1.png?resize=576%2C1024&ssl=1)