Home » 120 Summer Bucket List ideas for an unforgettable summer
Summer Picnic Date

120 Summer Bucket List ideas for an unforgettable summer

It is that time of the year again, when all you want to be doing is eat tubs of ice-cream, indulge in iced lattes and go on exciting new adventures. I have a whole lot of Summer Bucket list ideas that can be enjoyed by all, kids and young adults alike.

Creating a summer bucket list has been a tradition I started with my sisters a few years back. It was a way for me to encourage them and ensure that our summer holidays don’t go mundane and boring.

Planning the things we want on the list, then crossing it off can be really satisfying. It is a great way to make the most of the summer.

If you are wondering what you should put on a summer bucket list, you are in the right place. I have some really good summer bucket list ideas which is going to fill your summer with joy. It includes things to do, places to visit, activities to try out and ultimately making amazing summer memories.

Here are my ideas for a summer bucket list which you can use when planning your own bucket list for the summer.

120 Summer Bucket List Ideas for an amazing summer

Summer Activities to do outside:

1. Spend a day at the beach

No better way to enjoy some time under the sun than on a sandy white beach. You can take along a drink and a book to accompany you. Relax and unwind!

2. Build a sandcastle

3. Go Kayaking

4. Roller skating in a skate park

5. Visit a local library

Libraries can be an exciting place to visit during the summer break. Read, be enlightened in the world of books and get lost in stories that captivate your heart and imaginations.

6. Picnic at the Park

Get your picnic basket out, fill it up with sandwiches, fruits and all your favourite summer treats and enjoy a day at the park with family or friends.

7. Spend some time admiring the sunrise/sunset

8. Visit the zoo

9. Go to an amusement park

10. Go fruit-picking at a local farm

11. Visit an indoor snow park

It might be hot and sunny outside but you sure can be rocking in a jacket and boots at your nearest indoor snow park. How cool is that!

12. Go fishing

13. Swim in the pool

14. Spend a day at the waterpark

15. Go on a boat ride

16. Play in the rain

Summer monsoons are a norm in some parts of the world and if you get to experience the summer rain, I dare you to run, play and truly enjoy it!

18. Collect seashells at the beach

19. Have a staycation in your town/city

Staycations are a great way to feel like you’re on a holiday without the hassle of traveling. Find a hotel or resort in your city , book a stay and enjoy a day or more of complete relaxation.

20. Go on a photo walk

With friends or by yourself, just take your camera along when you’re walking in the street and capture some beautiful images. I have been using this camera for years now and it can be enjoyed by photographers with any level of expertise.

21. Road trip with your family

22. See a waterfall

23. Apply for a summer job/internship

A summer internship can be a productive way to spend your time, with the opportunity to earn some bucks and learn plenty of skills.

24. Go out to eat at your favourite restaurant

26. Go on an adventure

27. Visit a garden

28. Feed the ducks

29. Blow bubbles outdoor

30. Ride a swing in the playground

31. Go to a trampoline park

32. Go on a ‘Mom and Me’ date

A great way to bond with your mum, you can take her out for breakfast and talk for hours. Maybe even buy her flowers or something she likes and make her feel special. I am sure this would be so memorable for the both of you!

33. Go on a Shopping spree

34. Girl’s day out at the mall

35. Travel to a new country (if your budget allows)

Traveling is such a great way to discover new cultures, experience and learn new things. If you are looking for traveling ideas, here are 10 countries you need to visit atleast once in a lifetime. Book flights and hotels here.

36. Ride on a rollercoaster

37. Have drinks and snacks at the pool

38. Spend your pocket money on something you’ve wanted

39. Go on a solo breakfast date

Wake up early and enjoy some “me-time” at your favourite breakfast spot. Solo dates aren’t as awkward as it sounds. I find it to be a pretty good way to prioritize yourself and practice self-love and care.

40. Go for a Yoga session

41. Get a brand new haircut

Shake up your look with a new haircut, or maybe even a new hair colour if you’re feeling brave.

42. Plan a cute bakery/cafe date

43. Look out for a rainbow

44. Go Back to School shopping

While this can be put a little later on your list, going back to school shopping will help you get back in the school spirit and even excited about the new year/semester.

45. Early morning walk at your favourite park

46. Ice-skate at an indoor ice rink

48. Get back to school gifts for your friends

49. Sow a seed/Plant a tree

50. Be a tourist in your own city

Summer Bucket list Ideas to do at Home:

51. Bake and Decorate a cake

Why don’t you bake a simple, easy chocolate cake and then decorate it with your favourite frosting, nuts, toppings, fruits and really, whatever you like!

52. Make lemonade (or a Pink lime-onade)

53. Picnic in your balcony/backyard

54. Camping in the living room

We did this a few years back, got our blankets in the living room and lit the candles on the table pretending it was a bonfire. Had a horror story session and made packet noodles to enjoy along with it. Such a fun indoor activity!

55. Bake Cookies

I have plenty of cookie recipes on this blog. You choose your pick and try it out: Death by Chocolate cookies, Wholewheat Cookie cereal, Oatmeal chocolate chip cookies

56. Make Popsicles at home

57. Make home-made icecream

58. “Kids make parents dinner” night

59. Have a water balloon fight

60. Take polaroid pictures

Get your hands on a polaroid camera and capture all your favourite summer memories.

61. Game night with family

62. Scavenger hunting

63. Have a spa day at home

Light up an aromatic candle, apply a face mask while you indulge yourself with a bath bomb or bath salts. Just a day for yourself to relax and rejuvenate.

64. Learn something new

65. Paint on a canvas

66. Make a body scrub

67. Create a collage

68. Read a new book

Whether you like fact, fiction or non-fiction, there is a book for everyone. Why don’t you start with one of the bestsellers.

69. Create your own Tie Dye shirts

70. Have a Pizza Party

Order a few large pizzas, invite some friends over and have a blast. Alternatively, you can make your own pizza at home too!

71. Eat Watermelon

72. Make a fancy Dinner

73. Learn a few new words of a different language

74. Create a Vlog of one entire day / VLOG a day in your life

75. Apply henna

You can use a henna stencil and get a quick henna tattoo by yourself at home. They are so easy to use with any henna cone and look so good.

76. Plan a BBQ with family/friends

77. Write a Book review

78. Make mocktails at home

Perfect when the weather gets hot, try my Passionfruit Mojito. So refreshing!

79. Try a new cooking recipe

80. Play board games with Family

81. Make paper boats and let it float

82. Learn a new skill

83. Make cupcakes

Strawberry shortcake cupcakes are a super cute summer baking idea and it needs to be on your summer bucket list.

84. Make cupcake flowers

Cupcake flowers look so cute, use coloured frosting and pipe flowers on top of plain cupcakes. If you’re feeling extra confident, you can even try to make a cupcake flower bouquet. This piping set is great for beginners who enjoy cake decorating.

85. Play Hide and Seek

86. Play Catch

87. Make friendship bracelets for all your friends

88. Shoot a short film

Come up with a script idea, choose your location, get your camera and start shooting. It can be quite a fun summer bucket list idea that you can do along with your siblings or friends.

89. Post a summer reel video

There is always a summer social media trend happening, if you’re feeling it, you can try one and post on your Instagram or TikTok.

90. Have a bubble bath

91. Have a horror story night

92. Play with cards

93. Make your own bath bombs

94. Bake chocolate brownies

Nutella Brownies, Lotus Biscoff Brownies, Chocolate-coated Strawberry Brownies or a classic double chocolate brownies, what will you be baking? Pair them with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream for the most decadent summer dessert.

95. Help your mom/dad to cook dinner

96. Write cute letters for your loved ones

Letters are a beautiful way to express your love and appreciation to a person you adore. Write about why you love them, how happy they make you feel and whatever you feel like saying to them. I am sure it will bring a smile to their face.

97. Solve a Jigsaw puzzle

99. Create your own storybook

100. Quiz Night

101. Spend a day without using social media/ Social media detox day

102. Binge on a Youtube video series

103. Eat something that you have been dying to try out

Whether it’s a new trending snack from the supermarket or a boba drink from a cafe all your friends are raving about, make summer your excuse to try it out.

104. Make/Try a tropical summer drink

105. Bake a Banana bread

If you love Banana bread, this Double Chocolate Banana bread is the only recipe you will ever need.

106. Have a cooking competition/ Cook-off challenge

Challenge your friend or a sibling to a cook-off challenge and let the parents be the judge.

107. Redecorate your room

108. List down everything you’re grateful for (Gratitude list)

109. Start a new online course

110. Do the blindfold makeup challenge with a friend

111. Try a new hairstyle at home

112. Finish any summer homework/assignments

This one may be a boring one, but you do need to prioritize your assignments and homework. You have to balance the fun while still being productive and not neglecting the work you have to finish off.

113. Create a one minute recipe video

114. Eat breakfast for dinner

Make a stack of pancakes and have it for dinner like a real, true rebel!

115. Manicure-Pedicure at home

116. Try your hands at pottery or ceramic painting

117. Do an act of kindness

Kindness comes in many many forms and we must all try to make it part of our daily routine. However, I highly recommend adding this summer bucket list idea on your list, so that you can consciously do something that would brighten up someone’s day.

118. Watch an interesting documentary

119. Grill your own burgers at home

Homemade burgers are some of my favourite things to make and have. Try my Beef burgers infused with Garlic and Herbs, a winner recipe idea!

120. Create a summer journal

Finally, you can journal in all your summer adventures and experiences in a book, probably even stick up your polaroid pictures in them. This is sure to be something you will want to look back at, again and again!


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